10 Awesome Secret Endings In Recent Video Games

3. Two Bonus Epilogues - Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time

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The brilliant Crash Bandicoot 4 contains not two but three endings for players to seek out - a standard ending for more casual players, and two additional ones for the more committed, hardcore crowd.

These endings add additional context to the more typically happy standard ending.

By achieving 100% completion, players will receive a tongue-in-cheek slideshow epilogue which explains in detail what happened to each of the principal characters - such as N. Gin becoming a smooth jazz musician and Dingodile franchising his restaurant (with disastrous results, admittedly).

The ending also reveals Crash, who narrates the voiceover, to have an unexpectedly velvety voice.

But the third ending will be reserved for only the most elite of Crash players, as it requires a stonking 106% completion, meaning you need to have beaten every single challenge the game has to offer and basically mastered playing it.

And yet, your reward is a mere 20-second clip of Uka Uka showing up to interrupt Dr. Neo Cortex's relaxation time, seemingly teeing up a sequel.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.