10 Awesome Video Game Weapons You Never Got To Use

6. Four Kings Sword - Dark Souls

fallout new vegas

It's hard enough fighting one Dark Souls boss, so the idea of taking on four at once its frankly baffling to anybody outside of the masochistic rest of gamers who worship at the altar of From Software.

The imaginatively titled Four Kings are...four kings, battled in the first Dark Souls game within The Abyss. As well as the pitch black darkness disorienting the player's depth perception, gamers also have to contend with the blades wielded by the bosses.

Looking like a Klingon Bat'Leth after a bank holiday weekend huffing bath salts, the range and power of the Four Kings Sword is substantial, so it was with a great deal of excitement that hackers found the sword within the game code as a usable weapon.

Cut during development early enough that the blade has no stats, fans can only speculate what sort of hell they could inflict upon their enemies had this nightmare made it to release. Existing only as textures within the game's files, the sword can only be 'used' as a reskinning of an existing weapon.

In short, the only use you'll get out of The Four Kings Sword is its appearance which, frankly, is what we're all here for anyway.

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Hampshire based Writer who spends his time rewatching Deep Space Nine, trying to be an actor and voraciously consuming every Metal album he can find. Final Fantasy IX is the greatest game of all time and this is the hill I will die on.