10 Awesome Video Game Weapons You Never Got To Use

2. Faderator - Fallout New Vegas

fallout new vegas

Despite characteristic jank and some recent...shall we say...setbacks, Bethesda's Fallout IP is one of enduring popularity through its four mainline titles.

Although the numbered entries have gained their fair share of success, many consider spin-off New Vegas to be amongst the series' best offerings. Following Fallout 3, widely cited as one of the greatest games ever, was never going to be an easy task, but as the game boasted enough rich story and improved gameplay to shake off comparisons, and any perceived shortcomings were largely forgiven after patching.

In typical Fallout fashion, the weapon variation is as diverse as the world itself, but hidden in the code of the expansions is The Faderator, a gun which could put all others to shame. Not only is this beast of a sniper rifle fully automatic, but it fires three shots at a time, uses less ammo, has a larger capacity, and boasts a higher hit rate in VATS, where it also quadruples its shot spread.

Such a dictionary definition of OP was clearly not designed to be used in-game, but had it made it to the full release not even a horde of Deathclaws would want to grapple with this particular courier.

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Hampshire based Writer who spends his time rewatching Deep Space Nine, trying to be an actor and voraciously consuming every Metal album he can find. Final Fantasy IX is the greatest game of all time and this is the hill I will die on.