10 Awesome Video Games That Should NEVER Get A Movie

6. Portal

Red Dead Redemption - John Marston

Valve's highly successful duo of games have gained a massive following, but what's remarkable is the lack of requests for a big screen adaptation. There are many fan projects on YouTube about Portal, but none of them seem to capture the essence that game possesses. While it would be cool see someone jump through a bunch of Portals to escape a facility, after 1 or 2 test chambers, the film would get boring without any audience interaction, which is why it works so well as a game.

Portal 2 does add more story development into the mix, and introduces us the Wheatly, which was a fantastic move, but that doesn't stop the franchise from being puzzle focused primarily. The idea of a silent protagonist in a game just about works, but in a motion picture, it simply wouldn't.

The story would be painfully difficult to progress, and the emotional attachment to the character would be very little. However, if the protagonist in a movie version of Portal did speak, it would lose yet another element that connects to the games. Unfortunately, a Portal movie would be too uninteresting, or so different that the only similarities are the portal colours.


A grown up... allegedly