10 Baffling Oversights In Otherwise Great Video Games

7. Deus Ex Renders One Of Its Playstyles Pointless

Metal Gear Solid 3

A staple of the Deus Ex franchise has always been the ability to play the game any way you see fit. However, although the latest entry into the franchise, Human Revolution, boasts the same ability, it actually makes gamers' favourite past-time of murdering faceless guards with the biggest weapons available detrimental to the overall experience. 

For no real reason, killing people in Deus Ex gives you way less benefits than passing them by. There's no real reason as to why the game favours a stealthy approach - it just arbitrarily awards you less experience points for being a creative psychopath, which makes it entirely frustrating as a player to see a game series based around freedom basically directly condemn one of its own playstyles. As a result, a majority of gamers just ended up not playing the title this way, because the RPG would actively punish them even if they decided to go down this route.

Annoying, this rendered a good portion of skills useless also, and stopped players form using the game’s most visually enjoyable weapon. Seriously, Square Enix, if you give players a protagonist with swords for elbows, let us actually use them.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3