10 Beautiful Video Game Songs

3. Mass Effect 2 - Suicide Mission

The original Mass Effect trilogy was defined by compelling storytelling, delightful characters, and beautiful music. For every emotional scene, there was a piece of music driving the point home, an entire list like this one could be made just with Mass Effect tracks.

Even in its most controversial moment at the end of Mass Effect 3, the music was absolutely stunning.

But the moment that really set Mass Effect apart from other series, the suicide mission at the end of Mass Effect 2, was where the music hit the nail on the head like never before. It echoes everything in the game that's just been played, and finishes in a stirring finish reflecting the suicide mission itself.

Opening in the signature synthetic style of the Mass Effect series, the piece builds slowly and carefully. Gradually adding strings and a single horn, the theme bursts into a thundering crescendo.

Chants towards the end of the score only add to the absolutely epic feeling, mirroring the suicide mission through having the organic voices battling against, and then overriding the artificial instruments.

The fading brass notes at the end of the song remind the player of the solo nature of their mission, bringing everything back together in the track's final moments.

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