10 Beloved PS1 Exclusives That NEED To Come Back
5. Vib Ribbon
Don't even ask me how a Vib Ribbon game could be remade. I mean, where would you start?
You wouldn't say "make it look better" because that was the charm. You wouldn't demand more background colour because that was the charm. You wouldn't ask...
Can you see what I'm getting at?
But even at its basic level of gameplay, Vib Ribbon was a blast of a rhythm/coordination game. Our plucky polygonal protagonist was a welcome addition, even it were just a simple looking game.
In a world of serious remakes and realistic gameplay, what we could do with right now is a wireframe rabbit leaping, vaulting and rolling over a musical ECG line.
There's so much scope to make it look better, but not mess around with it. And with the advent of being able to play your own music through consoles, the possibilities are endless.
Imagine a Guitar Hero/Rock Band-style gauntlet of one of your favourite albums, or devising challenging playlists to set loose in the world.
We want it, we just don't know how we want it.