10 Beloved Video Game Genres That Didn't Deserve To Die

7. Arcade Racers

burnout revenge

Recently we've seen a shift (no pun intended) from fast-paced, arcade style racing games to ultra realistic racing simulators. The ability of consoles to pump out games that look a shade under reality is to thank for such a paradigm shift.

But what about those gamers who loved the destruction and souped-up cars from the old days? Days that featured games like Burnout, Flatout, Blur, the old Need for Speed titles, Midnight Club, Hydro Thunder, Road Rash - the list goes on and on.

Recently we've seen nothing but Forza, Gran Turismo and F1, which all focus highly on realism. What about games like Flatout, where there were game modes specifically for seeing how far you could launch your driver out of the car? Realism is great and all, but man, I miss the destruction - and I'd wager I'm not the only one.

We still have "cart" games like Mario Kart and other various clones to play, but that's almost it. There is a great number of people who simply do not enjoy racing games when it comes to this hyper-realism. Many people want to be able to hit 200 MPH thanks to nitrous, or roll their car 45 times and get gold on a challenge.

Seriously, where the hell is the next Burnout?!


Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.