10 Beloved Video Game Genres That Didn't Deserve To Die

6. Music & Rhythm

Guitar Hero 3

There was a time back in the mid 2000s where you couldn't go to a party without seeing a group clamored around the TV playing Rock Band or Guitar Hero. Then almost as fast as the hype had come, it was dead. Oversaturation caused the downfall of the Music and Rhythm genre, and it may never fully recover.

Case in point: In 2009 alone, there were nine releases just from the Guitar Hero series. It's enough to make you sick of anything.

At its peak however, these games were an immense amount of fun. Especially when Rock Band hit the scene and allowed a whole band to play as opposed to a single guitar player. Of course, these games weren't the first to embrace the Music and Rhythm genre, they were just the mainstream breakouts. Let's not forget PaRappa the Rapper, Dance Dance Revolution and even Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat.

Recently the genre has attempted to make a comeback, albeit a very weak one. Guitar Hero Live and Rock Band 4 couldn't get lightning to strike twice. Yes, people have dove head first back into the games, but it hasn't captured the attention of many different crowds like it did in the past. It's a shame, because it was one of the more expensive genres to get into as well, so it seems like that was all for nothing at this point.


Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.