10 Beloved Video Game Genres That Didn't Deserve To Die

5. Arcade FPS

Serious Sam 4
Devolver Digital

In a market so dominated by action and shooter games, almost every game to come out focuses on gritty warfare with some snarky underlying message about war. Just over the past month we've seen the release of Battlefield 1, Titanfall 2 and Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, two of the biggest hitting shooters out there, along with underdog, Titanfall 2.

While Battlefield 1 may be one of the best shooters to release in some time, it's far from an Arcade FPS. I'm talking games in the likes of Serious Sam, the beloved TimeSplitters franchise, or the under-appreciated Bulletstorm. Let's not forget the Arena Shooters like Quake and Unreal Tournament. These games were about nothing more than the wacky guns you could wield and the destruction and mess they could cause. Realism was thrown to the wind and it was all about fun gameplay.

To an extent we have Overwatch and Shadow Warrior to gravitate towards if you're looking for a modern Arcade FPS. But if you want all the blood, guts, glory and ridiculousness of the older FPS games, aside from DOOM, you're going to have to dust off some old cases and consoles.


Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.