10 Beloved Video Game Genres That Didn't Deserve To Die

4. Side-Scrolling Beat 'Em Ups

Streets Of Rage

Just recently I went back and looked at the best games to come out of this genre of all time, and not so surprisingly almost all of those were over 10 years-old. This is a genre that's most definitely been lost to time, simply thanks to how far video games have evolved since the genre's inception.

There's no denying these games have incredible amounts of nostalgia wrapped around them. Most will remember some of the old beat 'em ups being the first games they had ever played, or ones that opened their eyes to gaming as a whole. The simplicity was met with addicting gameplay which lead to an overall amazing and memorable time, no matter how short the games themselves may have been.

Recently there just hasn't been much to come from the genre. While Indie developers may be keeping it alive, it's pretty safe to say we won't see a game like this come from a big developer ever again, or even one of their smaller studios. The only anticipated game even close to the genre is perhaps Cuphead, and even that has a way bigger focus on shooting than melee combat.


Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.