10 Beloved Video Games Series That Have Been Ruined By The Industry

7. Call Of Duty

Franchises Ruined

How does a series go from being inspired by Band of Brothers, to becoming a mish-mash of generic near-future sci-fi tropes in 2016?

I can't actually answer that question, though I'm not sure Activision can either with the identity crisis the series has gone through. When Call of Duty made the jump from WWII to the modern setting in 2007, it was seen as a wise - even brave - move. It paid off; Modern Warfare was a roaring success with a solid story and wonderful level variety, and it was onwards and (seemingly) upwards for the series.

But if Activision looked short on ideas in Modern Warfare 2, by the third entry they look absolutely famished. Looking for a new direction, Activision began alternating between the 'Warfare' and the Black Ops series, with neither having that monumental impact of earlier games. Not even Kevin Spacey could save them.

With Infinite Warfare on the horizon, it's telling that the most exciting thing about it is the remaster of Modern Warfare you get with it.


Gamer, Researcher of strange things. I'm a writer-editor hybrid whose writings on video games, technology and movies can be found across the internet. I've even ventured into the realm of current affairs on occasion but, unable to face reality, have retreated into expatiating on things on screens instead.