10 Beloved Video Games That Left A Horrible First Impression

8. Red Dead Redemption

Red Dead Redemption

Although Red Dead doesn't suffer from quite the same issues as Grand Theft Auto IV (we'll get to that later), Rockstar's Western epic certainly doesn't put its best foot forward during the opening couple of hours.

Because instead of jumping straight into the pulpy Western action that most people expected from the game, the beginning of Red Dead Redemption casts you as a cowboy in a very literal sense, having you catch wild horses to break them in while tasking you with menial jobs like herding animals back into their pens.

Fortunately, although the pacing is a little slow, the gameplay compliments the tone of these opening missions and serves to establish John Marston as a character far-removed from your typical Clint Eastwood-esque caricature.

That said, it still could have been accomplished a little more elegantly, and the opening of RDR is indicative of a similar problem that rears its ugly head one again during the slow Mexico levels later on in the campaign.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3