Because of its unique and humorous gameplay, Bully was adored by fans out of the gate, with talks of a sequel never quite leaving Rockstar alone despite them continuing on with other, more established franchises have you heard of a little game called Grand Theft Auto or Red Dead Redemption, perhaps? While Bully did receive an upgraded port for the Xbox 360, PC and Wii, and Rockstars stance on the title since release has never directly ruled out a sequel, given the amount of money there is to be made off the next iterations of Grand Theft Auto and Red Dead Redemption it's easy to see why the developers never returned to this hidden gem. It's a shame because this is probably the one title that all gamers agree should receive a sequel, and it's the most eligible candidate on this list to be turned into a franchise. It's not like Rockstar is in financial trouble, and if anything the developer is at the peak of its powers, which only makes it more disheartening to think about how great a modern Bully game made by an experienced Rockstar could be. What's your favourite franchise that feels like the industry has just forgotten to update it? Let us know in the comments!