10 Best Anime Games Of The Last 10 Years

2. One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4

Db Fighterz Teen Gohan
Koei Tecmo Games

The fourth entry in the One Piece: Pirate Warriors franchise is the epitome of dumb, mindless fun. Developed by Omega Force, the team behind games like Dynasty Warriors, Samurai Warriors, and Hyrule Warriors (noticing a trend?), the game really isn't interested in breaking new ground.

This is your classic Dynasty Warriors-style Musou Mode game. You pick a character, you spam a button, and you kill 1,000 guys in one swing. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Pirate Warriors 4 has received a good chunk of criticism for straight-up rehashing cutscenes and assets from the previous title in the series, but it's widely considered an improvement on Pirate Warriors 3. A few small tweaks to the combat system, such as the inclusion of aerial combos, managed to breathe new life into a tried and tested formula.

Fans of the show will also be happy to know that even though the combat isn't too different from character to character, they all vary enough that they all feel unique to play. It also (somehow) manages to cram over nine hundred episodes worth of content in a fifteen hour story mode, giving One Piece fans more than enough to keep them satisfied.


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