10 Best Areas In Dark Souls

4. Ash Lake - Dark Souls

dark souls oolacile
From Software

In the original Dark Souls there were a few areas that might have been good by themselves, but when seeing them felt like a reward for what you'd just struggled through, they became even better. Ash Lake is one of these places.

After fighting your way through Blighttown and the swamp below with all the toxic and poison-based issues that they bring you, the player could opt to walk up a tree branch into the Great Hollow. Once you'd suffered through the awkward jumping and falling puzzles, providing you hadn't been cursed by the Basilisks or dropped to your death, you emerge onto the shores of Ash Lake.

Greeted with a booming male-vocal choir soundtrack, seeing the world open up after the claustrophobic last sections feels like a huge relief. Sand-looking ash stretches out towards the lake inhabited with a Hydra and it is an interesting location to traverse with clam-like enemies and Mushrooms galore.

The Everlasting Dragon is found at the far end if you want to join this covenant - or just cut his tail for a weapon. Alternatively, you can enjoy the battles and the visuals after trudging through hell.

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Dark Souls
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Matthew is a Marine Engineer to trade who writes sub-standard Scottish crime fiction in his spare time that can be found here:- https://mmacleodwriting.uk/ Originally brought up in the Western Isles of Scotland, he lived in Edinburgh for 18 years but now stay in Aberdeenshire with his partner, sons and dog.