10 Best Baseball Video Games Of All Time

2. MLB 06: The Show

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If you want to play an NFL game you buy Madden. If you want to play an NBA game you buy 2K. And if you want to play an MLB game you buy a PlayStation for The Show, because Sony's stranglehold on the genre is still running strong all these years later.

Back in 2006 the foundation was laid for the insurmountable franchise that is The Show. While competition was still out there back in 2006, none of it held a candle to what The Show was doing. Most notably was its addition of "The Show" mode, which saw you creating a player and taking him from the minors to the majors. You only controlled your player, and not the whole team, making you believe you were fully responsible for your own success. If you were a relief pitcher in the American League, the game would simulate until you came in to throw those few innings and that's it.

While the journey from cornfields to stadiums was a major selling point of the game, and highly advertised, it wasn't the only thing that stole the show. The season and franchise modes were both great, with the franchise mode letting you take control of virtually everything regarding your team, including vendor and ticket prices as done previously in a select number of games.

On top of the great modes, the gameplay was some of the best to come from a baseball game in recent years, only to be outdone by one game that had come out a year prior...

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Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.