10 Best Boss Battles In Metroid History

1. Mother Brain - Super Metroid

Metroid quadraxis

The final boss of Super Metroid starts off identically to the final battle of the original game. Mother Brain's droids shoot at you while she rests motionless in a glass container. Once you have damaged her enough, the battle will seemingly ended, almost anti-climatically.

Suddenly, your adversary will rise up, now armed with a cybernetic body. She will try and pin you into a corner and hurl a variety of projectiles at you. Once she's been hit enough times, she'll blast you with an undodgable hyper laser.

While you are a sitting duck, Mother Brain will prepare the hyper laser again to finish you off. Suddenly, the Metroid that imprinted on you earlier will latch onto Mother Brain, stunning her. The Metroid will then transfer the Mother Brain's hyper laser to you so you can use it against her.

While it heals you, Mother Brain will awaken and kill the Metroid. Now that your "child" has sacrificed its life for you, this fight is far more personal. With your Hyper Beam, Samus will utterly annihilate Mother Brain, triggering a self-destruct sequence, forcing you to vacate the planet before it implodes.

Mother Brain is not just the best boss in the franchise; it's one of the most memorable moments in all of gaming.

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