10 Best Boss Battles In Metroid History

2. Metroid Prime - Metroid Prime

Metroid quadraxis
Retro Studios

At the end of Metroid Prime, Samus comes face-to-face with the main antagonist; a Metroid mutated by Phazon radiation.

Although Prime is encased in a carapace, it can be damaged with your Beam weapon. However, the final boss keeps switching what it's vulnerable to, forcing the player to keep alternating the Beam to match the enemy's weakness.

It will attack you with similar energy projectiles and ram into you, which you must avoid by using the Morph Ball to crawl underneath it. After it has sustained enough damage, it will retreat to another cavern. Each time it moves to a new room, Prime becomes more erratic and aggressive.

Once you shatter its exoskeleton, you must battle its pure form; Metroid Core. As the Core commands Metroids to attack you, it will pour Phazon on the ground. If you stand on this liquid, Samus will enter Hyper Mode, allowing you to wail on the Core with your most devastating attacks. The Core can also go invisible, forcing you to utilise your Thermal and X-Ray Visors to locate it.

Metroid Prime is the best kind of final boss because it forces the player to utilise every skill and weapon in order to defeat it.

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