10 Best Boss Battles In Metroid History

4. Meta Ridley - Metroid Prime

Metroid quadraxis

Ridley rarely serves as the final adversary but he is nearly always the hardest boss in each game he appears in. But the coolest version of this foe has to be Meta Ridley, who serves as the penultimate boss of Metroid Prime.

In most games, Ridley flies around the room, making him a tricky target to lock onto. But in this fight, the mechanical pterosaur flies around THE ENTIRE SKY.

Ridley shoots lasers and missiles from afar, avoiding prolonged combat so the player can't unleash all their most devastating attacks on him. There is no strategy you can take advantage of with this guy. The only way to beat him is to wear him down.

Once you do enough damage, Ridley's wings burn off, forcing him to the ground. Since he can't fly away, you'd think the rest of the fight would be simple. But because the arena is so small, you are forced to stay close to this space dragon, meaning it's nearly impossible to dodge his attacks.

You should emerge victorious if you are careful and patient but you should expect to die a couple of times before taking Ridley down for good.

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