10 Best Dungeons In The Legend Of Zelda Franchise

7. Hyrule Castle

Eagle's Tower Legend of Zelda

If there’s any element of Breath Of The Wild to pick holes in, it’s the dungeons. The divine beasts are fine, but they’re far from the best part of the game. It’s all about the overworld - the dungeons themselves are just story mechanics (which can be skipped entirely).

The final dungeon, though, is something else entirely. Storming Hyrule Castle is an incredible experience, and one the player can tailor to their own preferences. Go in early, with limited resources, and it’s a stealth mission. You’ll need to tiptoe around the guardians and the heavily armed enemies to breach the fortress.

Put in the hours, though, and it’s a different story. Armed to the teeth, Link can tear the place to bits en route to a final showdown with Calamity Ganon.

It’s a masterpiece of atmosphere, a once-thriving castle town now festooned with toxic sludge and forever prowled by Ganon and his evil lackeys. It’s also huge and varied, with a plethora of different ways to approach it. Conquering the castle after playing through everything the game has to offer feels like a true achievement.

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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)