10 Best Dungeons In The Legend Of Zelda Franchise

4. Arbiter's Grounds

Eagle's Tower Legend of Zelda

One of Twilight Princess’ most atmospheric levels, the Arbiter’s Grounds are an old prison once used to incarcerate Hyrule’s most dangerous villains. By the time Link gets there, the place is a wreck: where once there stood a colosseum, now there is only rubble, monsters, and sand.

A huge strength of the Arbiter’s Grounds is its main treasure, the spinner. The device is, admittedly, a little ridiculous - it’s essentially a disc Link can stand on so as to glide over quicksand. It can also attach itself to handy railings to send the hero whizzing up the sides of the ruins.

It’s not like any other Zelda item, but it is a whole lot of fun to use - it also has little practical application outside of this temple, so enjoy it while you can. You gain the item after defeating Death Sword, one of the most wackily enjoyable sub-bosses. As the name suggests, it’s a giant, evil blade (actually a sword wielded by an invisible ghost, but for much of the scrap you are essentially fighting with a sword).

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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)