10 Best Games Announced At E3 2019
9. Contra: Rogue Corps
That’s right, Contra is coming back.
Nobody really asked for it, but like Commander Keen, now that it’s here, we may as well get excited about it.
Undoubtedly, it’s a strange one to bring back, with the Nintendo Switch nabbing it as an exclusive, but it never really crashed and burned so there’s no reason not to reboot it. The last game came out in 2011 (Hard Corps: Uprising), and the franchise just kind of petered out.
It has some decent potential, and to be fair they’re definitely going hell for leather here. The game was always a little strange, but the new characters are something else.
We have The Gentleman (a giant bug of some sort), the katana-wielding Ms. Harakiri and Kaiser, who for some reason is a cyborg panda. It can played solo or in 4 player co-op, offering both online and local multiplayer options.
Most intriguing is that while the majority of the game has the classic ‘third person, over the shoulder’ shooter POV, some sections are top down.
It’s heading our way soon too, releasing in just a few months time on September 24th.