10 Best Horror Video Games Of 2020

3. Demon's Souls

Maid Of Sker
Bluepoint Games

The original Demon’s Souls, released back in 2009, was terrifying in a number ways and ticked quite a few boxes for horror, adventure, and RPG fans alike. The land of Boletaria was as spooky as it gets and featured some of the ugliest, most repulsive abominations ever seen in a video game at that time. Man Centipede anyone? But what scared some people even more, those folks who could easily stomach Boletaria and its unique inhabitants, was the sheer difficulty of the game!

This year’s remake of that much-adored and respected game, a game that essentially “fathered” subsequent rock-solid challenging adventures, is a PlayStation 5 exclusive and boy does it make good use of its hardware. Updating an already great looking game into the next generation, Demon’s Souls on the PS5 is a lesson in how to do a remake, how to scare the pants off people, and is also a great teacher of a little thing called patience.

As mentioned before, this game is tough. But as with most things in life, the harder the challenge the greater the reward, and the reward here is an enthralling horror adventure that will stick long in the memory. We died 218 times in our first playthrough, how did you fare?


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