10 Best Indie Video Games Of The Month (April, 2021)

8. Say No! More

Before Your Eyes
Thunderful Publishing

Have you ever dreamed of Fus-Roh-Dah-ing annoying employee requests and the sluggish office grind away with a simple "No"? Then maybe you should try the first every NPG (No!-Playing Game) that's been conceived.

In Say No! More, you play as a disgruntled intern worker who's tired of a world where the word "No" is forbidden. Thanks to a magical cassette tape, however, you'll soon be blasting your way through annoying intern life in as many languages as your heart desires.

The simple concept only grows more entertaining and equally ridiculous as you "No!" your way through the game. The visual and sound design bolster the action, accommodating a plot that only gets zanier and more anime-y as you progress.

While Say No! More provides more than enough entertainment for players, sending paperwork and employees flying across the office, there's a surprisingly endearing and life-affirming narrative hidden beneath the gameplay. The simple quest of stealing your lunchbox back leaves the player with some pretty thought-provoking lessons to ponder well after the credits roll.

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indie games
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A journalist who can't fall asleep during films; it's a blessing and a curse. Indie games are the spice of my life.