10 Best Keyblades In Kingdom Hearts History

5. Lady Luck (Kingdom Hearts)

kingdom hearts lady luck
Square Enix

Lady Luck is another optional Keyblade that can be obtained after completing the Disney world tied to it. It is one of the more mysterious Keyblades, requiring the ability to unlock White Trinity's, and is located in a secret room that is difficult to find.

Despite this difficulty, Lady Luck is actually one of the best in the game. The look of the Keyblade is just such a standout, resembling a pack of cards which heavily links it to the design of Wonderland and the Queen of Hearts. It's easily one of the most vibrant Keyblades to appear in the series so far.

The real highlight of this though, are the stats. Whereas most other Keyblades so far have stood out massively in one area, Lady Luck is highly powerful in both magic and strength.

It also increases the power of Summons like Tinker Bell or Mushu, making it a great all-round Keyblade. If it wasn't so fiddly to obtain, it'd easily be more recognised as one of the best Keyblades, but most players go without ever knowing it was there.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.