10 Best LGBT+ Characters In Gaming History

2. Erica - Catherine

dragon age krem

Catherine is Atlus' totally nuts puzzle game about sheep-related nightmares, sex and a long-standing friends group shooting the breeze in the same bar night after night.

Erica might be a controversial pick for this list as her story is one that can be viewed with a few negative connotations. The thing is, that's what makes it closer to the living trans experience. Trans joy is real but no journey comes without it's speed bumps.

For example, the player character Vincent and company have known Erica since before her transition. As such, there is still the occasional slip-up on their behalf in terms of pronouns and the questionable way they view her or talk about her when she's not around. This is strikingly realistic.

Most of this comes from Vincent himself who spends the game ignoring his friends' advice and cheating on his fiancé. In short, he's an a**hole. The game isn't mocking Erica, it's calling out men like Vincent who refuse to change.

Additionally, the barmaid makes reference to suffering the same strange nightmares that supposedly only haunt men. It serves as a sad stand-in for the nature of dysphoria, despite Erica's outwardly chipper personality, and the realistic struggle of transition.

In summation, Erica is not some perfect, untarnished article. She has a past, constant reminders of it, and she forges on it in spite of it, making her character one worthy of praise.

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Dragon Age
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The Red Mage of WhatCulture. Very long hair. She/they.