10 Best Looking Video Games Of The Generation (So Far)

3. God Of War

Red dead redemption 2
SIE Santa Monica Studio

The soft-reboot of the iconic PlayStation franchise was a bold move from Sony Santa Monica, but one that paid off in spades and resulted in a generation-defining game.

Kratos moved from the Greek islands to a stupendously-designed area based on Norse mythology. At first, the game seemed linear, like an Uncharted, as you took Kratos and Atreus from their home towards the mountain looming in the distance. The genius of the game, then, came from the intricately-designed hub world that kept changing as you progressed in the story.

The world had lush forests of red, icy mountain-tops, dank caves, and ornate golden buildings. And that's just the main world, there was the realms Kratos travelled to, from Muspelheim to Niflheim, each of which had their own distinct look and feel. And then there's the trolls, dragons, Valkyries, and every other enemy type, each of which was distinct and beautiful...in their own way.

God of War was a gorgeous game that was meticulously crafted by one of the best game development studios around. As such, it should come as no surprise that it ended up as one of the best looking games available. The sequel on PS5 could be another generation-defining title.


Curtis is from Ireland and lives in Canada now.