10 Best Looking VR Games

1. Red Matter VR (PS4 And PC, 2018)

Red matter is a truly unique experience. There are few games like it, but in the same breath, there are few that look this good. If you are a fan of 2001: A Space Odyssey, you will love this experience. Each frame is packed with such beauty and detail. Rarely does a game like this come along and it deserves to be obsessed over.

The game carries with it an unmatched demonstration of lighting and reflection. You will find yourself simply staring into the harsh vista of Mars, watching the blazing sun reflect in your visor. The outside is a barren desert, something to get lost in. However, the inside is rich and overbearing. Much like 2001, this game has a unique tone: mixing 1960’s Sci-fi film zeitgeist and Soviet cold brutalism. The game’s dystopian outlandish plot is not lost on the player as the look carries with it a level of utter authenticity. It’s easy for a player to get lost in this world. It’s silence breaths tension and it’s setting breeds atmosphere.

You will probably only play it once, but you owe it to yourself to enjoy every moment of it.

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I am freelance writer who somehow has the best job in the world, writing about video games and movies.