10 Best Lovecraftian Enemies In Video Games

2. Orphan Of Kos - Bloodborne

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No expedition into the foray of Lovecraftian inspired games would be incomplete without the game that took Lovecraft and put It on steroids. One of the best representations of a living breathing world inspired by the madman himself, Bloodborne is pure Lovecraftian joy.

And where to begin on the twisted amalgamations of cosmic horror. The Winter Lanterns, enemies that inflict frenzy if they see and almost instantly kill you, all the while singing their eerie song. Or the bosses. Ebrietas, the forgotten great one, an awesome mass of tentacles eyes and cosmological insanity.

Both are fine, but when we are talking Lovecraft and the truest representation of his works, look no further than the Orphan of Kos.

Serving as the end boss to one of the best DLC’s ever made (Prove me wrong), the Orphan of Kos is Lovecraft at its finest. From its entrance – crawling out of its dead mother’s body – to the end where it’s spirit dissipates into the void; the entire sequence is practically ripped from Lovecraft’s finest works.

Not to mention that it acts the boss to one of the most Lovecraftian areas in the game: The fishing hamlet. Inspired by ‘The Shadow over Innsmouth’, the entire level does a perfect job of capturing the essence of the story, especially with the Orphan sealing It off.

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I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.