10 Best Modern Video Game Soundtracks

7. Hotline Miami (Various)

'80s synthwave is dope.

Well, that's it for this entry. Thank you all for your time.

But in all seriousness, the synthwave in Hotline Miami carries the hypnotic trip that is its story. The colorful yet gritty visual bloodbaths you'll create using the games top-down shooting mechanics are heavily punctuated by the heavy synths that become like your murder-rhythm. Some of the pieces have that typical Miami '80s vibe with lingering basslines and tropic techno beats. The more surreal pieces of music are so distorted that they are better described by the phrase ''what if an electric guitar and an amplifier did a s**t-ton of coke and started tripping really bad?''.

Electronic guitars and synthesizers feel unnerving and give the game a dreamlike vibe that resonates through the neon visuals. Combined with the feat that you'll respawn within a second (and respawn you will a lot), this creates an almost trance-like gameplay loop where your fingers react to what your eyes see, even before your brain has anything to say about that. This may leave you looking back at a cleared stage thinking: ''did I do that?''.

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