10 Best Modern Video Game Soundtracks

3. Persona 5 (Shoji Meguro, Toshiki Konishi)

Persona is a series that has always given music its fair share of attention. When the franchise started to get more traction in the west with Persona 3 and 4 it brought Western audiences into contact with soothing jazz melodies and fast J-pop. The franchise exploded in late 2016 when Persona 5 released, found critical acclaim and a new player base that had, for a large part, never heard of the series.

3 million copies later and the series has become a household name, even outside Japan and niche JRPG-fandoms. Hallmarks of the series have become the creative visual design and of course, the soundtrack. Persona 5's uses a blend of catchy pop, acid jazz and the occasional bit of J-rock to immerse you into gameplay that's essentially 30% turn-based JRPG combat, 20% reading text boxes and 50% managing an intricate web of social contacts, life skills and amorous relations.

It's that reading and spending free time with your digital classmates that eventually gets you bonding to the characters. But how to keep a 100+ hour story interesting? Just create music that doesn't get stale when you hear it for the 50th time. How Persona's composers Shoji Meguro and Toshiki Konishi managed to create something like that I don't know, but they did, making it pretty much the ''lofi radio - beats to relax/study to'' in game form.

And Persona 5 Royal promises to give us even more new music in early 2020. Lucky us.

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Persona 5
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