10 Best Mortal Kombat Villains EVER

8. Goro

Quan chi mortal kombat

The first time gamers saw the four-armed 8ft-tall Shokan warrior trundle on screen in the original Mortal Kombat, gamers were excited (but terrified) to face the menace that was Goro.

Even though the series has had many terrifying beasts like Torr or Motaro, nobody has had the same effect than the first time they faced Shang Tsung's champion. Watching the behemoth toss your character around his lair like a doll while absorbing your most devastating attacks was a sight to behold at the time.

His appearance is so distinctive, Goro appeared everywhere when Ed Boon and John Tobias were advertising the game. They even put him on the side of the arcade cabinet! He became so popular, most entries in the series had a Goro-like sub-boss before facing the final adversary. However, none of them have become as iconic as Goro. (Does anyone even remember Moloch?)

In the sequels, his backstory was updated so Goro was now depicted as a prince devoted to his people rather than an outright foe. Nevertheless, Goro is still perceived as an unstoppable and merciless force of nature who will destroy anyone foolish enough to stand in his way.

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