10 Best Mortal Kombat Villains EVER

5. Kano

Quan chi mortal kombat

Kano has got to be the most evil human in the Mortal Kombat franchise. There's nothing redeemable about this one-eyed mercenary whatsoever. He's deceiving, lewd, crass, and disgusting. He doesn't care about anyone but himself, switches sides when it suits his needs, and betrays anyone without a second thought. Because Kano is so one-dimensional, it would easy for this Terminator-inspired criminal to come across as boring and forgettable.

Yet, he's so charismatically wicked, you can't help but find him entertaining. Watching him urinate before a match, chomp on a lizard in-between rounds, or dance while blood spurts out of his opponent's throat is so brazenly cartoonish, you can't help but laugh.

The developers could've given Kano a generically sinister voice but instead, decided to let him speak in a friendly Aussie accent, which contrasts beautifully with his diabolical nature.

Even though the creative team have attempted to create similar characters like Kira, Jarek, and Hsu Hao, it is clear that there is only one true Kano. (Except in Mortal Kombat 11 where there are literally two Kanos but you know what I mean.)

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