10 Best Multiplayer Maps From The Gears Of War Trilogy

7. Security (Gears Of War 2)

Gears Of War 2

Alright, so it can definitely be argued that Security has its fair share of gimmicks. For instance, the entire map is filled with laser beams that block off sections of the map and will cut you down if you try and pass through them. In fact, the Scorcher power weapon is blocked off as well, as is the Mulcher. The beams can be turned on and off at the press of a button, creating frantic attempts to reach the power weapons.

Having the frag grenades hidden on either side of the map created tense standoffs - Security made exceptionally good use of the new frag-tagging mechanic in Gears 2, that allowed you to tag walls with frag grenades which would then act as proximity mines if anyone got close.

Security is a dangerous map, and one that forces players to be on their toes at all times. However, it's also a great map for Horde, as the laser beams can be used to block yourself in around the Mulcher.


Gamer, writer and still patiently awaiting Bloodborne 2.