10 Best Multiplayer Maps From The Gears Of War Trilogy

6. Fuel Depot (Gears Of War)

gears of war fuel depot

Yes, Fuel Depot has the Hammer of Dawn, Gears of War signature 'unfair' weapon that summons a huge, orbital laser down upon your opponents. However, Fuel Depot is clever about it, and places the Hammer right in the centre of the map and at the back of a large hangar. This then creates a couple of scenarios.

Most people will instinctively head towards the Hammer. The chance to get the ultimate power weapon is a tantalising one, one that could easily change the game in your favour. However, this almost always creates a firefight, and the hangar is designed in such a way that it's easy for a team to get the drop on an overly keen player.

Not only that, but placing the Hammer in a building makes it difficult to use after securing it and stepping outside might place you at the mercy of better players, who could be wielding the Longshot sniper rifle. Fuel Depot is as intense as it is treacherous - it's a good map for sneaking up behind your next target.


Gamer, writer and still patiently awaiting Bloodborne 2.