10 Best Multiplayer Maps From The Gears Of War Trilogy

5. Canals (Gears Of War)

gears of war Canals

Canals often ranks as one of the most popular Gears of War maps of all time. It's a tricky map where you'd better either have a good eye, or keep your head down. Canals offers up not one, but two Longshot sniper rifles and a Torque Bow to players, meaning long-range weaponry is flying all over the place. It's good then that Canals affords players numerous routes to flank the enemy.

When you're not busy avoiding the snipers, Canals forces you to keep watch of your sides too. The same goes for the snipers however, who can't simply sit there and blast people from afar. Sure, there's bound to be a quick sniper fight at the beginning of a match, but they give their position away quickly.

Tight corridors, grenades and sniper rifles often result in furious battles and tense situations, where mastery of the map will allow you to come out on top. While Canals doesn't offer much in the way of hiding spots, you can double back and take a different flanking route around - just make sure you're not seen.


Gamer, writer and still patiently awaiting Bloodborne 2.