10 Best New Male Video Game Characters Of The Decade

7. Bigby Wolf - The Wolf Among Us

Final Fantasy 6

Telltale Games' flame didn't burn long, but it sure burnt bright. With Telltale popping up in the female list too, it's clear they've created some fantastic characters this past decade, and will be sorely missed going into the 2020s. The Wolf Among Us is one of the best structured choose your own adventure stories of the decade, and Bigby Wolf is the perfectly enigmatic lead.

Adapted from Bill Willingham's Fables comics (the story here is a canon prequel), The Wolf Among Us is a hard boiled fantasy game where you play as a werewolf detective investigating the first murder in town for a long time. It has all the ingredients to be completely bonkers, yet it plays the conventions completely straight. What's more, this gritty, down to earth approach turns out to be perfect.

Bigby is a bit of a riff on your typical, Raymond Chandler writing Philip Marlowe style detective, but The Wolf Among Us does a lot with classic old tropes. Obviously the werewolf angle makes him unique, but the game doesn't lean too hard on that.

A man reformed but still capable of violence, Bigby has a lot of internal and external mythology to juggle, but manages it with ease.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)