10 Best Nintendo 3DS Games (That Nobody Played)

6. Tales Of The Abyss

shinobi 3ds

This year's Tales of Arise may have enjoyed strong sales, but the Tales name isn't always a guarantee of commercial success.

Abyss is one of the stronger entries in Namco's long-running "Tales of..." series, which is especially impressive given the overall quality of the franchise. (Ignoring "Tales of Zestiria", of course. You should always ignore Zestiria).

Granted, Abyss doesn't get off to the strongest starts. Protagonist Luke fon Fabre spends the first few hours acting like a such a spoilt little s**t you'll want to turn on the game's 3D options just so you can wrap your fingers around his scrawny digital neck. Thankfully, Tales' signature real time combat and quirky supporting cast keep things enjoyable until Luke gets a much needed attitude adjustment, at which point a solid JRPG becomes an outstanding one.

A great entry in an often under-appreciated series, Tales of the Abyss is well worth picking up for JRPG veterans and neophytes alike.

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Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.