10 Best Nintendo 3DS Games (That Nobody Played)

4. Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars 3D

A large part of the blame for the failure of the 3DS to achieve the same level of success the DS enjoyed can be laid at the feet of its atrocious launch line-up. Early adopters found themselves slogging through crummy ports and shallow, gimmicky experiences designed solely to show off the console's 3D capabilties (looking at you, Steel Diver), and word of mouth about Nintendo's new console soon turned toxic.

This led to the 3DS being mostly shunned by the gaming public for the first year of its existence, which is a shame as it meant one of the surprise hits of the last generation never got the audience it deserved.

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars 3D was very much the jewel of the 3DS' launch line-up - a lighthouse of brilliance shining amidst a sea of mediocrity, Shadow Wars was a terrifically entertaining turn-based strategy game designed by the legendary X-Com creator Julian Gollop.

Due to the 3DS stumbling out of the starting blocks Shadow Wars' sales figures were doomed from the start, but those brave few who bought it were rewarded with a tight, engaging experience that helped tide them over while Nintendo got its act together.

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Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.