10 Best Nintendo 3DS Games (That Nobody Played)

3. Shinobi

"If a classic series gets a modern update that nobody played, was it ever updated at all?"

Another casualty of the 3DS' notorious debut year, Shinobi was an update of the classic Mega Drive series (or Genesis, for readers from the other side of the pond). Shinobi 3DS was an early success story for Nintendo's beleaguered machine, successfully updating the series' frenetic hack-n-slash gameplay for a modern audience.

Shinobi cheerfully "borrowed" the ranking system from contemporary action games like Devil May Cry and Bayonetta to boost replayability, and its tight level design and satisfying combat made revisiting earlier levels a joy rather than a chore.

The game also deserves props for being one of the few early 3DS games to figure out how to use the machine's StreetPass function effectively, as passing by another Shinobi fan on the street downloaded a free challenge map onto your machine. Granted, the game's tragically small playerbase made that about as likely as finding a sober tourist at Oktoberfest, but it was a nice touch all the same.

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Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.