10 Best PS4 Video Games Of 2017

6. Nioh

Nioh gameplay
Team Ninja

Comparisons between Nioh and Dark Souls were inevitable. Long before anyone even got their hands on the game itself, the similarly demanding combat, open world exploration and difficulty all evoked From Software's iconic series, but to write off Team Ninja's hack-and-slash action game as a mere imitation would be underselling it entirely.

Because while the similarities are there, Nioh has its own priorities when it comes to how it uses these familiar systems. The combat in the title is much more complex and rewarding, leaning on the developer's long history of creating spectacle fighting games that champion combos and quick reflexes.

Although it's not as fast as Ninja Gaiden, it's not as slow as Dark Souls, hitting the sweet spot somewhere in the middle. Juggling different attack styles, weapon types and enemy weaknesses, there's a depth to the combat that can be overwhelming, but once you get the hang of it, transforms Nioh into one of the most satisfying and expansive action games of the generation so far.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3