10 Best RPG Villains Of All Time

5. Krelian - Xenogears

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Square Enix

Hoo, boy. You'll have to forgive me if I don't succinctly nail the Xenogears plot synopsis here, but there is a lot to it.

On the surface, Krelian is a man who despises the folly of humans and wants to rebuild a fallen god. This, he feels, will "reset" the planet and the pain the humans have brought on themselves over years of self-induced suffering.

A clean slate, if you will.

Yet, there's much, much more to it than that. As I say, Xenogears is vast in its delivery of religious allegory, dissection of the soul and the id, as well as just about every contemporary theory in between. Oh, and giant robots.

What makes Krelian a worthy candidate for this list is the amount of time he's put into his plan. Centuries in the making, Krelian has witnessed all aspects of human fallibility and merely wants to join the world back to its Wave Existence: a unified state of love and oneness with god.

It's not an inherently evil scheme, as such. Just mislaid intention. But you wouldn't think it from how he carries himself.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.