10 Best RPGs In A Modern Setting

8. Final Fantasy XV

yakuza 7
Square Enix

Whilst each world in the Final Fantasy series is interesting in its own way, the blending of typical fantasy with a modern-day American aesthetic makes the world of Eos from Final Fantasy XV one of the most interesting settings in the entire franchise.

It's just fascinating driving through what could easily be a regular highway just to notice a sentient cactus on the side of the road.

This amalgamation of fantasy and modern-day is felt throughout the entire game. Yeah, there are regular guns but there are also giant anime swords. Yeah, there are petrol stations strewn across the roads but there are also ancient magical temples.

The gameplay is also inspired by the setting here. The first half of the game is presented as a road trip with the lads, something distinctly modern. You'll stop in motels to laugh and play video games with your friends, something which contributes to the road trip feeling.

That and Prompto taking pictures of everything even when he's meant to be HELPING ME IN BATTLE. PUT THAT CAMERA DOWN PROMPTO AND GIVE ME SUPPORT.


Has a degree in video game development. Is kinda addicted to video games, television, and films. Probably needs some help, to be honest.