10 Best RPGs In A Modern Setting

7. Parasite Eve

yakuza 7
Square Enix

It's rare to see a survival-horror RPG. What is there? Sweet Home and this?

The thing is though Parasite Eve is actually pretty excellent so maybe somebody should try the genre combination again at some point.

Parasite Eve is a sequel to the novel and movie of the same name and involves the police officer Aya Brea fighting against the titular Eve - who isn't the first Eve but to actually go in-depth on the plot of this crazy franchise would take a 10,000-word essay.

To do this she uses a mix of guns and magical powers that the game really tries to rationalise by saying that they're simply powers given to her because of her control over the mitochondria in her body. Mitochondria being the powerhouse of the cell.

The RPG elements and the modern-day setting seem more by circumstance here than any grand statement or desire to explore a different setting in the genre. The original Parasite Eve took place in the modern-day so the game needs to as well, and the developers Square mostly just made RPG's around that time so they decided to make their Parasite Eve game part of the genre.

Still, it's a great RPG with a modern-day setting and is worth playing.


Has a degree in video game development. Is kinda addicted to video games, television, and films. Probably needs some help, to be honest.