10 Best Secret Video Game Bosses You Must Find

7. Ultima Weapon - Final Fantasy VIII

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This list could easily be filled with Final Fantasy secret bosses alone, for there are a staggering amount of them across the long running series.

Yet it's Ultima Weapon from the eighth main title that takes this spot, if only for the sheer annoyance in getting to him. Hiding away in a deep sea research centre in the southwestern area of the map, right down at the bottom, Ultima will test your patience as well as your strength. Oh, and you need to have taken out Bahamut prior to this mammoth feat, too. No biggie.

Having done that, you have to faff about with a stream pressure puzzle, descend a few more levels and then finally, finally you're allowed to step up to Ultima Weapon. If you needed an incentive to take on this beast, he does hold Eden, the strongest Guardian Force available.

So whilst it's not vital to take out the boss, if you're going for all the GF's, this needs tackling. It also psyches you up for the bigger, nastier Omega Weapon in Ultimecia's castle...


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.