10 Best Shotguns In Gaming History - Ranked

9. VK-12 (F.E.A.R)

Resident Evil 4 shotgun kick

Few games have taken two genres so drastically at odds with each other and made them blend together better than F.E.A.R seamlessly fused together the FPS action game and first person horror.

They not only did it, they did it with aplomb, and one of the many reasons this game is so good is because of the guns you can find.

Being a game with many horror elements, where the environments are tight and claustrophobic, the shotgun in this game could either make or break the combat. But rest assured, you will thank the gods whenever you find ammo for the VK-12 because this gun is your best friend.

While not wholly remarkable on its own, sometimes all a shotgun needs to be is exactly the gun you need for the situation you're in. And while it never gets Amnesia levels of tight, the levels in this game will put you in very close range with your enemies.

Nothing acts as a better solution to that pesky problem of a murderous ghost psychic girl than a few dozen rounds to the face.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?