10 Best Star Wars Villains Who Debuted In Video Games

5. Gideon Hask - Star Wars Battlefront II

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2 Darth Traya

From left to right, the above photo shows Del Meek, Gideon Hask and Iden Versio - three members of Inferno Squadron, an elite task force under the command of the Galactic Empire. By the end of Battlefront II's story, two of them will have abandoned the Empire, one will have become an embittered shell, and all of them will be dead.

The aforementioned war criminal is Gideon Hask - another Gideon gone bad - who, like many a good villain, allows justifiable anger to ferment into vicious cruelty. Battlefront II's story takes a cue from the excellent Rogue One in showing that the Rebel Alliance wasn't all heroic platitudes and red laser beams - Gideon's parents lost their lives to an Alliance bomb attack, resulting in him becoming a dogmatic Imperial loyalist.

Hask naturally doesn't take it well when Iden and Del later turn tail and join the Alliance, allowing his bitterness to eat away at him until, 30 years after their separation, Hask eventually gets his revenge by gunning down his former comrades - but not before Iden gets off one last shot to blast him off a high ledge and into a reactor core.

Gideon gets bonus points, then, not just for killing the heroes but for the manner of his death. Being shot by a rebel and falling to his death in a blatantly unsafe working environment? He's just one Wilhelm Scream away from the Imperial death trifecta.

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Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.