10 Best Stories That ONLY Work As Video Games

5. The Stanley Parable

Mass Effect 2
Galactic Cafe

Remember when you got sick of this game because every let's player on the internet was on it at the same time? Well, it must have done something right!

There's one aspect of storytelling that video games have a monopoly over, and that's choice. Sure, you've got some choose your own adventure books/films, but nothing can hold a candle to the gaming industry. The Stanley Parable is a title that encapsulates that.

This strange game puts you in the shoes of a man named Stanley, who awakens to find his office building empty. You explore and find a narrator attempting to dictate your actions and are given the option of defying him, leading to a slew of choices that change the game's narrative entirely.

Calling it a story might be a little bold, as the plot is essentially a diverging set of pathways leading to many different narratives. However, that's precisely why it's a perfect video game story. It addresses themes like the relationship between players and video game creators, choice in video games and even takes jabs at the concept of fate itself.

It's an ambitious and certainly creative deep dive into video game storytelling, so it had to be on this list.


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!