10 Best Stories That ONLY Work As Video Games

3. Paratopic

Mass Effect 2
Baltoro Games

Paratopic is a weird game. It's about as far removed from your typical COD instalment or Fortnite battle as you can get, and that strange sense of avant-garde creativity is precisely what makes it such a captivating experience. It fits the bill regarding uniqueness, and when it comes to the story, it's not the kind of thing you'd be able to capture in a Netflix series.

Throughout Paratopic, you'll alternate between three characters in a narrative that's deliberately presented out of order. One of the stories follows someone walking around a forest attempting to photograph a rare bird, another sees you as a hitman ready to shoot someone in a diner, and the last one puts you in the shoes of someone who smuggles illegal VHS tapes.

This game relies on subverting your expectations of video games, and that's what makes it work so well. It deliberately traps you in mundane moments such as waiting for an elevator or driving for long periods and exists in this deliciously dated PS1 style to remind you that you're playing a game.

The flickering between narratives also leaves you genuinely unsure as to what's going on, even though you're the one in control of the characters, making it engrossing and fascinating.


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!